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Charity Gift Aid Recovery Service

Giving in a slightly different way can reap huge benefits for charities, whilst in some cases giving a tax benefit to the donor as well. If all taxpayers had used the gift aid scheme in their giving, charities would raise an additional £700 million to £900 million each year.

There may be good reasons for this. For example, lack of knowledge of the opportunities, fear of the ‘tax system’ or the desire to give anonymously. But objections such as these are easily overcome. Charities could then gain substantial and valuable additional Government funding in the form of tax refunds to help them achieve their mission and purpose.




Our Gift Aid recovery service provides a secure and simple way to manage this area of finance for charities. We obtain registration with HMRC for gift aid.


  • Our systems and forms are agreed with the Inland Revenue.

  • We recover gift aid regularly on your behalf to improve your cashflow

  • We provide an awareness campaign to encourage your donors on the benefits of gift aiding their donations.

  • We can help recover gift aid on donations received by your charity from April 2000.

Gift Aid Services also have extensive experience of Inland Revenue audits and investigations and will be pleased to let you know Our experienced staff are always ready to give you a personal tailor-made service and our fees are based on the amount of tax recovered.


Gift Aid Recovery Service

Case Study


A charity with donations of £100,000 per year for six years, this could be increased through Gift Aid to £125,000 a 25% increase. But recoveries can go back to six years. The potential sum is therefore £150,000 in gift aid recovery all from a modest increase in gift aid efficiency.The total income for the charity totals £600,000 in donations and £150,000 in gift aid recovery = £750,000.

“Let Gift Aid Services change this potential into a reality for you”

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